Dundas City Council Hears Updates on Several Road Construction Projects


The Dundas City Council was sworn in at their first meeting of the year. Councilors Luke LaCroix and Luke Swartwood were both reelected in November uncontested and now start their second term. The meeting was primarily organizational with few actions taken. However, the council did hear a report from the City Engineer. One of the major projects the city is taking on is a pedestrian crossing at County Road 1 and Highway 3. Currently, there is no pedestrian crossing in Dundas across HIghway 3. Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen shared that the city had applied for funding from the state and received a grant of $370,000 to help fund the project. Construction on the project will be completed this summer.

Also in the report was an update on the maintenance work on the old Dog Park. The old park was ultimately moved to its current location off of Everett Street in part because the city needed access to the storm pond next to the old park. Contractors have cleared the trees for the storm pond and are expected to begin excavation in the next week, which will take approximately two weeks. After the work has been completed on the storm pond, no plans are in place for the park afterward.

Another major project Dundas is taking on in 2025, is Water Main improvements along Dundas Boulevard from Millstone Lane to Hester Street. Currently, the Millstone and Stoneridge developments are served by one water main. The city would install a second water main via Dundas Boulevard, which would provide service if a water main shutdown or a break were to occur and improve water flow for fire hydrants. Construction on the project will take place this summer. Staff have made draft plans for the project, and the final proposal will be presented to the city council shortly.

We will keep you updated on major project updates in the near future.

The Dundas City Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 7pm.