Dundas looks into the next five years


The Dundas City Council approved the latest edition of the Dundas Capital Improvement plan, focusing on 2025 – 2030.

A capital improvement plan generally consists of one or more capital improvement projects, which are permanent structural changes to a property to prolong its life, increase its value, or enhance its capabilities. A CIP can also include assets like heavy equipment that require maintenance or replacement. Typically projects and equipment are financed through the city’s capital budget. CIPs are seen as important tools for local governments, allowing them to plan strategically for community growth and transformation.

Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen said the plan over the next five years isn’t focused as much on equipment as it is necessary improvements to the city infrastructure.

“It includes things like sidewalk repair and installation trail extensions. We had a neighborhood meeting in Tower Park a couple of weeks ago, talking about what kind of playground equipment that neighborhood would like to see up there, so that’s included as well.”

Teppen also noted that a sanitary sewer line beneath Schilling Drive is in need of reconstruction. The City had planned to stretch the work out over two years, but the final decision was made on Monday night to do all of the work in 2025.

Street projects, such as the one currently underway on Forrest and Depot Streets, she said are taken into consideration in the CIP, but the city has also adopted a pavement management plan which handles the major details for those improvements.

Teppen said, while the Council passed the overall plan, each individual project within will still need to come back for Council discussion and passage.

“Every single project, every single expenditure that’s listed on there has to come back before the City Council for individual approval as time goes on.”

The plan was passed by the Council unanimously.