Letter to the Editor


*Opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are not necessarily those of The Messenger.

To the Editor,
“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’”
- Ronald Reagan
While comical, Ronald Reagan’s words do speak to the truth that sometimes one’s government will take pains to do more and more with the result not being the benefits it promises. The Minnesota DFL has had a Trifecta for now almost two years, proving the validity of Reagan’s words.
At its start, the Trifecta took a $17 billion surplus from 2022, spent it, failed to follow through on a promised major tax refund, increased spending by 40% ($19 billion), and destined Minnesota for a deficit (see American Experiment link below). Both high taxes and the inflation resulting from this spending will degrade the value of the citizen’s dollar. Have you felt this? Moreover, their energy policies (namely bill HF7/SF4 which outlaws fossil fuels by 2040) will only steer Minnesota deeper into high energy costs. Citizens are being fleeced by taxation and robbed through inflation by an indifferent government.
The Trifecta has also incentivized illegal immigration with the passing of bill HF4/SF27 which gives illegal immigrants driver’s licenses even though they cannot drive without insurance and get insurance without a social security number. Not only is fostering illegal immigration a robbery of citizens’ jobs, college opportunities, and other resources, but also it resigns the immigrants to a form of serfdom, without the benefits of citizenship. Imagine if you could not call the police for fear of deportation. For the DFL to subjugate immigrants to a fearful, deprived, second-class citizenship is cruel and trending Minnesota towards slavery which decades have been spent trying to reverse.
I think we need to listen to Ronald Reagan’s other quote, “Government is not the solution to our problem; government [DFL Trifecta] is the problem.”


Colton Muehring
31496 Oxford Mill Rd
Cannon Falls, MN 55009