Dundas City Council Meeting - April 22, 2024




Monday, April 22, 2024

7:00 p.m. City Hall

Present: Mayor Glenn Switzer Councilors Luke LaCroix, Ashley Gallagher, Grant Modory, Luke Swartwood

Staff: City Engineer Dustin Tipp, City Administrator/Clerk Jenelle Teppen


Acting Mayor Modory called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. Mayor Switzer arrived following the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:03 PM


Motion by LaCroix, second by Gallagher, to approve the agenda. Motion Carried Unanimously (MCU)


a. Regular Minutes of April 8, 2024

b. Resolution 2024- 15 Retaining Statutory Tort Limits for Fiscal Year 2024

c. Disbursements - $69,352.08

Motion by Modory, second by Swartwood, to approve the consent agenda. MCU


a. Consider Approving County Road 1 and Trunk Highway 3 Pedestrian Improvement Project Scope and Cost Estimates

City Engineer Tipp reviewed the proposed project that includes additional sidewalk connections that were outside the original project scope. Administrator Teppen provided cash flow projections of the two Capital Project Funds that will be tapped to pay expenses beyond the $370,000 that was awarded the City in a State Aid Grant.

Motion by Gallagher, second by Swartwood to approve the Trunk Highway 3/County Road 1 Pedestrian Improvement Project Scope and Cost Estimates. MCU


City Engineer – Dustin Tipp

City Engineer Tipp informed the City Council that a pre-construction meeting with the contractor for the Forest Ave/Depot St project is scheduled for the next day, and that it is anticipated that they will begin working in mid-May.

He reported that staff has been in contact with Menards staff regarding a temporary access. Schilling Drive is projected to be closed completely for a short period of time both this year and next when the City commences work on a sanitary sewer project on Schilling Drive.

a. Work Session – Review and Discuss Proposed Ice Arena Project

Administrator Teppen reported that she had on a few occasions provided updates to the City Council regarding the on-going discussions at the staff level with City of Northfield and Northfield Public Schools personnel on a proposed ice arena project.

David Bennett, Northfield Public Works Director reviewed the proposed project including an assessment of the condition of the current arena. He indicated that the City of Northfield engaged an architect to put together options including what improvements might be done to the current arena, including required updates to mechanical and refrigeration systems. Option 2 is a one ice sheet arena located on property donated by the Northfield Hockey Association with updated amenities. Option 3 is a two-sheet arena with updated amenities as well as dryland training space/community rooms.

Both Bennett and Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig responded to questions posed by City Council members.


Motion by LaCroix, second by Swartwood, to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 PM. MCU

Minutes prepared by Jenelle Teppen, City Administrator/City Clerk